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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Risk Of Sedentarism

Heart diseases is commonly traces to obesity, and high blood pressure. What is not commonly known is that obesity and high-blood pressure can be both traced to sedentarism – physical passivity or minimal movement, a lifestyle that can lead to obesity and high blood pressure. Sedentarism is a term applied by sociologists to individuals who engage in minimal physical activities related to a healthy and fit body. As a pro-active measure, and to prevent obesity, it is important to clarify some of the myths and tales that may reinforce sedentarism:

  1. People past 50 should not engage in strenuous physical activities anymore. A good number of people slow down and cut down their physical  activities once they reach their golden year of 50. People in their golden years are afraid to push their bodies like they used to in their younger years, fearful that cramps and aches of all sorts may occur more often.Yet a 30-minute brisk walking which is really not strenuous, would be enough to fight sedentarism. Just a brisk walk around the mall – a little exercise, is still better than no exercise at all.
  2. Going to the gym, a counter sedentarism, costs money. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle avoid such measure as gym membership, believing it is not sustainable in the long run. Fitness gyms it is believed, have costly annual fees on top of a monthly fee plus, gym accessories that got along with it, hurts the pocket. Yet is not necessary to be enrolled in a gym to be well. Biking 45 minutes a day for 6 days, even just stationary biking, is a good exercise program which can burn 2000 Kcal – a benchmark of fitness gurus when creating a program on how much energy to burn on a per week basis. Certain activities like biking, jogging, rowing, swimming are good for body metabolism and fitness.
  3. The gym is a fancy show off place for health maintenance. State-of-the-art equipment, personalized fitness trainers, steam baths, Yoga, Pilates, and other current trends in healthy living can all be found in big-name gyms. Health should not have a price attached to it or be seen in terms of money. Some people see fancy excuse to continue their sedentary lives. However even small gyms with basic equipment can help one see results in a fitness program to gain or to lose weight and attain better health.
  4. Having a job ensures against sedentarism. Unless one is a professional athlete, this erroneous belief should not apply to anyone whose job is just behind a desk. Getting a job is not a guarantee of avoiding sedentarism, as preoccupation is different from actually carrying out physical activity. An accountant may argue out physical activity. An accountant mar argue that he doesn’t need big biceps to do his job like a professional gymnast  does. Still the fact remains that sitting all day preoccupied and busy behind a desk, pouring over facts and figures doesn’t raise metabolic energy inside the body to burn those excess fats; and hence may still lead to sedentarism.
  5. Active lifestyle is reserved for the physically attractive persons only. People  not endowed with good physical attributes like smooth skin, well-proportioned nose and a pleasant face often lack confidence leading to inferiority complex and lack of social skills. Yet, not being gifted by a handsome or beautiful face should not be a cause of sedentarism but should be all the more reason to hit the gym. Except for plastic surgery, facial features cannot be changed drastically, but the body torus is a different matter. Anyone can have great abs of those v-shaped torsos as long as they have the will to do it, and anyone who can pull them off can somehow level the playing field. The same goes for women to attain firm and lean bodies.

Monday, December 8, 2014

TellTale Signs You HIV Infection

Dry Cough

Fitness And Health Wiki

A dry cough was the first sign Ron had that something was wrong. He at first dismissed it as bad allergies.

But it went on for a year and a half—and kept getting worse. Benadryl, antibiotics, and inhalers didn't fix the problem. Neither did allergists.

This symptom—an "insidious cough that could be going on for weeks that doesn't seem to resolve," Dr. Malvestutto says—is typical in very ill HIV patients.


Fitness And Health Wiki

The cough and the weight loss may also presage a serious infection caused by a germ that wouldn't bother you if your immune system was working properly.

"There are many different opportunistic infections and each one can present differently," Dr. Malvestutto says. In Ron's case, it was Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), aka "AIDS pneumonia," which eventually landed him in the hospital.

Other opportunistic infections include toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affects the brain; a type of herpes virus called cytomegalovirus; and yeast infections such as thrush.

Night Sweats

Fitness And Health Wiki

About half of people get night sweats during the early stages of HIV infection, Dr. Malvestutto says.

These can be even more common later in infection and aren't related to exercise or the temperature of the room.

Similar to the hot flashes that menopausal women suffer, they're also hard to dismiss, given that they soak your bedclothes and sheets.

Nail Changes

Fitness And Health Wiki

Another sign of late HIV infection are nail changes, such as clubbing (thickening and curving of the nails), splitting of the nails, or discoloration (black or brown lines going either vertically or horizontally).

Often this is due to a fungal infection, such as candida. "Patients with depleted immune systems will be more susceptible to fungal infections," Dr. Malvestutto says.

Yeast Infections

Fitness And Health Wiki

Another fungal infection that's common in later stages is thrush, a mouth infection caused by Candida, a type of yeast.

"It's a very common fungus and the one that causes yeast infections in women," Dr. Malvestutto says. "They tend to appear in the mouth or esophagus, making it difficult to swallow."

Ron woke up one day to find white patches on his tongue. He had thrush. For him, "It was not bothersome other than I didn't like having it." The infection was hard to get rid of, but finally cleared up after Ron started taking drugs to combat HIV.

Confusion or difficulty concentrating

Cognitive problems could be a sign of HIV-related dementia, which usually occurs late in the course of the disease.

In addition to confusion and difficulty concentrating, AIDS-related dementia might also involve memory problems and behavioral issues such as anger or irritability.

It may even include motor changes: becoming clumsy, lack of coordination, and problems with tasks requiring fine motor skills such as writing by hand.

Cold sores or genital herpes

Fitness And Health Wiki

Cold sores (oral herpes) and genital herpes can be a sign of both ARS and late-stage HIV infection.

And having herpes can also be a risk factor for contracting HIV. This is because genital herpes can cause ulcers that make it easier for HIV to enter the body during sex. And people who have HIV tend to have more severe herpes outbreaks more often because HIV weakens the immune system.

Tingling and weakness

Late HIV can also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. This is called peripheral neuropathy, which also occurs in people with uncontrolled diabetes.

"This is when the nerves are actually damaged," Dr. Malvestutto says. These symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and antiseizure medicines such as Neurontin (gabapentin).

Menstrual irregularities

Fitness And Health Wiki

Advanced HIV disease appears to increase the risk of having menstrual irregularities, such as fewer and lighter periods.

These changes, however, probably have more to do with the weight loss and poor health of women with late-stage infection rather than the infection itself.

Infection with HIV also has been associated with earlier age of menopause (47 to 48 years for infected women compared to 49 to 51 years for uninfected women).


These days, the news about HIV/AIDS is mostly good. We're hearing about "functional" cures, better drugs, fewer side effects and longer lives, although there are still shadows here and there.

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